This classic picture book shows children that every family looks different and all family groups are equally valid and wonderful regardless of shape and size, colour or gender: love is all they need!
Inspiring children to achieve their full potential by believing that anything is possible. Promoting tolerance and acceptance and celebrating diversity. Boosting self-esteem and dealing with prejudice.
A story about a child who encounters good luck and bad luck. This book can help children to discover how sometimes bad luck can lead to surprising and wonderful good luck!
By celebrating the fact that every child alive is an ‘odd bod’, with their own set of idiosyncrasies which should be accepted as the things that define them. Nobody is perfect, and who would want to be anyway?
This book may strike a chord with children struggling with gender identity. There are also other clear messages: accepting people for who they are/celebrating diversity and encouraging children to share worries with friends rather than keep them bottled up.