Browse the subject categories below to find a Parachute Book to match your child’s worries, issues, problems and milestones.
Promoting thoughtful actions and good manners, and encouraging children to share and to help others.

A collection of picture books about tantrums, anger and frustration, which can sometimes lead to aggressive behaviour.

Books that encourage children to play together in harmony, to share and to co-operate. Some books talk about sibling rivalry: squabbles and fights between brothers and sisters.

A useful collection of picture books that gently encourages a child to listen well and co-operate with others.

Picture books which promote good manners and politeness, highlighting the importance of saying please and thank you, being considerate to others and having good table manners.

Books which either encourage children to tell the truth, or explain the negative effect that lying can have on others.

Books to encourage children to help out around the house. Children who are reluctant to help out, or keep their toys and bedrooms tidy, sometimes need a gentle reminder that helping can be a lot of fun!
Books about significant and important subjects, situations and challenges in a child’s life

Books that explain adoption and fostering to young children, and support, inform and reassure adopted children who are struggling with transition, new concepts and feelings.

Picture books for children who have been affected by bullying or other violent/abusive behaviour.

Books that cover environmental issues and explains them in a simple way that children can understand.

Books which tackle the difficult subjects of bereavement and loss. Grieving children may find comfort or answers to challenging questions in the pages of these books.

Books which inform and comfort children who have parents (or other family members/loved ones) suffering from depression.

Picture books that gently explain the issues surrounding divorce and separation to young children, to help them get a sense of what’s happening.

Age-appropiate picture books aimed at young children who are curious about where babies come from.

Many children’s picture books still feature the traditional ‘nuclear family’. Our book library contains non-traditional family stories, including blended, single-sex and single-parent families.

Books for children who have a parent or other loved one in prison; which explain prison life and help children deal with the absence of a parent.

Books that inform children about the importance of personal safety and protection. Subjects include road and home safety and ‘stranger danger’.

Books which inform or comfort children who are seriously ill, or have family members or other loved ones suffering from a serious physical or mental illness.
Contains significant and important subjects, issues and landmarks

Children’s books that promote a good bedtime routine, where children settle happily into bed at night without a fight, and stay there!

Picture books about childhood comforters such as dummies / pacifiers, blankets, teddies, soothers and cloths.

Books that encourage children who are reluctant to visit the hairdresser or barber to go for a hair cut. This collection also includes books to encourage children to brush their hair.

A collection of picture books for young children about holidays and travel, including what to expect when flying. Includes some great books for children to bring on holiday with them.

Books about losing milk teeth. Some promote good dental care and others include visits from the tooth fairy.

Books to help children who are moving house or relocating to a new school or different area. Some books focus on the practicalities of moving house while others explore the emotions involved.

Books to help children who are coming to terms with a new baby in the family. Some titles tackle the subject of jealousy, others explain pregnancy, childbirth and baby care in a way that young children can understand.

Books that explain the practicalities of pet ownership. Some debunk the often idealistic view children can have of owning a pet, and describe the work that is involved in their care. Some books tackle the loss of a pet.

Books to help children starting playgroup, nursery or pre-school. These books aim to smooth the transition between being at home each day and being in a busy environment with other children.

Books which portray babysitters in a positive light, or describe what to expect when a babysitter visits. Plus books about sleepovers.

Books that help children prepare for starting school. Starting school is an exciting time for children, but it can also be daunting, particularly for children who tend to be anxious in new environments.
Books that help children deal with difficult emotions. Some titles comfort frightened or anxious children.

Books which either show animals such as mice, spiders and insects in a positive light, or which tackle the fears and phobias that some children experience when coming face to face with certain animals and insects.

Children’s picture books that explore anxiety, worry and stress.

Many children get anxious if they feel that they ‘don’t fit in’. These picture books promote the message that being different is a good thing.

Books which acknowledge fears and phobias associated with the dark. Some titles aim to neutralise fears by promoting darkness as a positive and necessary aspect of the night.

Books that acknowledge childhood fears of ghosts and monsters. Some books attempt to neutralise fears by featuring characters who seem frightening at first but ultimately reveal friendly qualities.

Books to comfort children going through periods of sadness. Some books explain that feeling sad occasionally is normal, and offer practical ways to make the child feel happier.

Books that either have a character who is shy, or reassure shy children that they can cope with this emotion.

Books that reflect the common childhood desire to be ‘grown up’. Many children can’t wait to be bigger, expecting this to lead to more excitement, control and variety.
Covering medical subjects, including mental and physical disabilities, illnesses and visits to doctors, dentists and hospitals.

Picture books about allergies, including hay fever and various types of food allergies

Books about bedwetting (nocturnal enuresis) which seek to reassure and inform children that are affected by this.

Books featuring common childhood illnesses and conditions such as chicken pox, asthma and ear infections. Some great choices for children who at home in bed recovering from an illness.

Books about visiting the dentist and dental care. Some titles promote good dental care including brushing teeth, others give information about some of the common procedures carried out in the dentist’s surgery.

A positive collection of picture books that are either about disability, or feature people with disabilities.

Books about a visit to the doctor, a hospital stay or having an operation. These picture books aim to reassure children who are frightened by the prospect of medical procedures.

Books to encourage children to eat healthily, develop good eating habits, try new foods, and take plenty of exercise.

Children's picture books that help children learn what they need to know about infectious diseases like Coronavirus (Covid-19).

Picture books about wearing glasses, and what to expect when you visit an optician.
Books which encourage children to learn new skills such as getting dressed.

Books which encourage children to dress themselves. Some promote the idea that getting dressed can be fun, while other books help children to make decisions on what type of clothing is appropriate for different situations.

Books about learning to swim or visiting a swimming pool. These books may also be useful for children who have a fear/phobia of water.

Books which help children through the transition from nappies to using a potty or toilet. Many books acknowledge that accidents are part of the process and are not something to be ashamed of.

While some children really look forward to bath time and never have to be nagged to look after their teeth, others will go to any lengths to avoid having to wash, comb their hair, or brush their teeth.
Positive Qualities
Books which promote positive qualities such as kindness, confidence and resilience.

A collection of picture books that encourage children to be accepting and welcoming to all.

A collection of picture books that champion confidence and self-esteem, encouraging children to appreciate their own self-worth and positively appraise their own appearance, emotions, beliefs and behaviours.

These children’s picture books contain characters who have shown courage, or contain messages that encourage children to be brave.

Picture books that will foster children's natural curiosity and creativity, encouraging them to ask questions, discover and appreciate the new, and inspire them to create and develop their own ideas.

Picture books that encourage children to show gratitude and appreciate what they have. Scientific studies have shown that people with a strong sense of gratitude have better physical and psychological health, higher self-esteem and are able to empathise with others.

These children's picture books contain characters which show kindness, or contain messages that encourage children to be kind to others.

Picture books that show resilient characters, or encourage children to recover from difficulty or change.