Picture books which inform or comfort children who are seriously ill, or have family members or other loved ones suffering from a serious physical or mental illness. This collection covers books about Parkinson's, cancer, dementia and depression.
The Perfect Shelter
Coronavirus: A Book for Children about Covid-19
The Hospital Hoppities
The Unstoppable Maggie McGee
The Tide
Benny’s Hat
Mummy’s Lump
The Copper Tree
No Matter What
Critters Cry Too
A Kid’s Guide to Coronavirus
Worried (Dealing with Feeling…)
Tiger Livy
Big Tree is Sick
Scrambled Heads
Visiting Grandad’s New Home
Can You Make Me Better?
Nurse Ted
Get Well Soon
My Gran has Parkinson’s
This book uses everyday settings and places to explain to young children what Parkinson's is and how it can affect people with the condition. Also available: My Grandad has Parkinsons's, My Mum has Parkinson's and My Dad has Parkinson's.