Books that encourage children to behave well. Some books in this collection provide children with strategies to improve undesirable behaviour. Others acknowledge that sometimes this is a challenge!

A collection of picture books about tantrums, anger and frustration, which can sometimes lead to aggressive behaviour.

Books that encourage children to play together in harmony, to share and to co-operate. Some books talk about sibling rivalry: squabbles and fights between brothers and sisters.

A useful collection of picture books that gently encourages a child to listen well and co-operate with others.

Picture books which promote good manners and politeness, highlighting the importance of saying please and thank you, being considerate to others and having good table manners.

Books which either encourage children to tell the truth, or explain the negative effect that lying can have on others.

Books to encourage children to help out around the house. Children who are reluctant to help out, or keep their toys and bedrooms tidy, sometimes need a gentle reminder that helping can be a lot of fun!
The Invisible Boy
Squishy Sand
Ask First, Monkey!
The Only Way is Badger
All the Ways to be Smart
The Squirrels Who Squabbled
The Suitcase
Jungle Jamboree
How to be a Lion
What’s worrying you?
The Dot
Grumpy Frog
Space Alien at Planet Dad
Yummy Ice-Cream
Good Little Wolf
This Book Belongs to Aye-Aye
Christopher Nibble
Funny Face
I’m the Happiest
Clean It! (Helping Hands)
Brush your teeth, Max and Millie
Take turns, Max and Millie
I Am Not a Copycat! (Hugo & Bella)
The Worry Monster
What Makes Me Happy?
This is Our House
Sharing a Shell
The Happy Book
Looking after Louis
Milo’s Monster
Brody The Lion: The Shopping Flip
Off to School in my Wheelie Chair
Red Red Red
I Don’t Want to Wash My Hands!
While We Can’t Hug
Harrison Spader, Personal Space Invader
We Are Together
Perfectly Polite Penguins
Insults Aren’t Funny: What to Do About Verbal Bullying
Too Many Carrots
Feel Better Daddy
Horrible Bear!
That Fruit Is Mine!
The Colour Monster
That’s NOT how you do it!
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