This pleasantly illustrated book uses simple language to describe the symptoms and treatment of diabetes, explaining what glucose and insulin are, and how there are two types of diabetes. The illustrations show a young child receiving an insulin injection, and an older child self-administering one. The book acknowledges the fact that diabetic children may feel resentful of their illness, and explains that diabetes isn’t something that you grow out of. It also comments on how a a child with diabetes may feel different from their friends. Talking problems and feelings though with friends and loved ones is advocated. The book suggests things you can do to stay healthy and feel better, such as eating well, avoiding sweets and exercising regularly.
Categories: Disabilities
Why Am I So Tired?: A First Look at Childhood Diabetes

Author: Pat Thomas
Illustrator: Lesley Harker
Publisher: Baron's Educational Series
Worth noting: Written by psychotherapist and counsellor Pat Thomas, these pleasantly illustrated books are not stories but factual guides. They exploring situations and emotions in a child-friendly way and offering practical advice to help improve the situation.