One of a popular series of books featuring boy and girl twins Topsy and Tim. Tim doesn’t want his breakfast one morning, and his Dad discovers that he has a red and swollen throat. Mummy takes him to the Health Centre to see Dr Sims, who checks his tonsils and ears, and listens to his chest with his stethoscope. He tells Tim he’s been a brave lad and gives him a prescription for some medicine. The family collect the medicine from the pharmacist and Tim has a spoonful when he gets home (he thinks that the medicine tastes nice). Mummy puts the bottle in a high locked cupboard. Soon, Topsy also has a sore throat and Dad takes her to the Health Centre (this time they have an appointment with a female doctor). The story gives a positive view of doctors and medicine taking, and may help to explain to children that minor illnesses like sore throats get passed around from person to person.
Categories: Doctors, Hospitals & Operations
Topsy and Tim: Go to the Doctor

Author: Jean and Gareth Adamson
Illustrator: Belinda Worsley
Publisher: Ladybird