Narrated by Kyra, a vibrant and creative little girl with autism, the story explores the world through her eyes. Written by Jon Roberts as a dedication to his daughter, it is hoped that anybody whose lives have been affected by the joys and challenges of autism may be able to connect and identify with the story.
The words have been chosen to be easy to understand; some words and phrases are highlighted in different colours (an adult reader could explore just these words with a very young child or anybody that finds processing lots of speech a challenge).
Kyra describes the things she loves (running, jumping, spinning around, sorting and grouping toys, chicken nuggets and ice cream, pulling funny faces in the mirror, playing with friends), and what she finds challenging (making eye contact, sitting still, eating vegetables, communicating with friends).
While no two children with autism are the same, Kyra describes many traits and behaviours which are common among people on the autistic spectrum, and readers who have been affected by autism will no doubt recognise a good few featured in the book. The sketched illustrations washed in pleasant pastel colours breathe life into Kyra’s story and help to reinforce the emotions she is experiencing.