The No-No Bird’s favourite word is No! Requests from his mother to get dressed and clean his teeth are met with refusal. He upsets his animal friends by shouting ‘NO’ when they ask him to play with them. He bumps into a huge snake who informs him that his favourite food is ‘the quite delicious No-No bird’. The frightened bird reassures the snake that these birds are quite rare and have never been seen around there. He flies off hastily, back to the safety and comfort of his mother’s lap. She is surprised when her son agrees to a cuddle without tantrums and tears. He explains that he’s learnt something new: that being a ‘No-No bird doesn’t make you friends, and could cause a ‘sticky end’. Bird announces that he has a new favourite word….’Yes’!
The No-No Bird

Author: Andrew Fusek Peters
Publisher: Frances Lincoln Children's Books
This video link is provided to help an adult assess the book's suitability for a child's situation before purchasing it. It has been filmed by a third party and hosted on YouTube and is not made by Little Parachutes. More info