When a new girl, Matilda, arrives at school, Pearl is keen to make friends, and she is excited when Matilda is delivered to school by her dad that morning. The girls get on famously, as Pearl so hoped they would. But Pearl is confused to discover that the dad who drops Matilda off the next day… is a different one!
The girls chat and Pearl soon realises that one mum and one dad isn’t what every family has. Pearl says, “Okay, cool”, and they have a chat about what all their dads do for a living.
But when Pearl is invited to Matilda’s for tea, she is expecting something special, out-of-the-ordinary and exciting, owing to there being two dads, and so she is a little disappointed to see that actually, Matilda’s dads are just as boring as her own parents! They eat NORMAL food and Matilda is expected to behave, just like Pearl. There is, in fact, nothing extraordinary about Matilda’s family – it is just like any other!