A small girl narrates the story, and begins by introducing her friend, the colour monster. He’s feeling all mixed up and very confused, and the girl explains that it is because his feelings (and colours) are ‘all stirred together’. The girl begins a mission to help her friend recognise and separate his feelings (and put each one in a jar so they can look properly at them). She assigns a colour to each emotion: yellow for happiness, blue for sadness, anger is red, black is fear and calm is green. She describes each feeling for him, and offers to help him through the challenging ones. At the end of the story, the colour monster has calmed down and jarred all his emotions, which has made room for a new (pink) one to blossom…love!
The author has used classic storybook role-reversal here which children will enjoy: the small girl takes the lead and imparts her wisdom on the (much larger) monster. Beautifully illustrated using cardboard cutouts and mixed media, this is a great starting point to open up a conversation about emotions and exploring how a child feels when they experience each one mentioned.