The classic tale of ‘the boy who cried wolf’ is re-told here with witty contemporary illustrations by Tony Ross. Young Harry lives on one side of a mountain and a rather dapper (man-eating) wolf lives on the other. Whenever Harry wants to avoid doing something (taking a bath, having a violin lesson), or even sometimes just for fun, he would cry ‘Wolf!’ and everyone would run away. One day, Harry was out cycling when the wolf jumped out at him. Harry ran towards home, desperately crying ‘Wolf’. But predictably, no-one takes him seriously due to his previous behaviour. The story has a rather grim conclusion as the wolf first gobbles all the adults up (while they stand around scolding Harry for telling lies), then turns on Harry and eats him too.
Categories: Telling the Truth
The Boy Who Cried Wolf

Author: Tony Ross
Illustrator: Tony Ross
Publisher: Andersen Press Ltd
Worth noting: Some adults may find the conclusion of the story inappropriate for sensitive children.