Brooklynn Bunny was born with a twisted paw. Her big brothers wonder how she will be able to hop properly, but their Mama reassures them that Brooklynn’s paw can be corrected. The family doctor puts her paws into casts which straighten them over time.
Brooklynn is able to choose a pair of ‘special boots’ (a brace) to wear at night to make sure her paws stay straight. The determined little rabbit is very keen to learn to hop with a rope so she can take part in the Hippity Hop Games. Eventually her hard work and persistence pay off, and she is able to take part in the race and have lots of fun in the process.
A lovely inspiring story. Children who have been through treatment for clubfoot should recognise something of their own experiences in this book. It provides clarification for their siblings and friends too, who may be curious about the condition. The illustrations show little delicacy and skill, although the colourful comic book style is likely to appeal to young children.