Mummy takes her twins Topsy and Tim for a dental check up at the Health Centre. They bump into their friend Josie in the waiting room who is having a brace fitted to make her teeth straight. Mrs Berry the dentist is very friendly and checks the twins’ teeth for little holes using a little mirror. Topsy needs a filling so Mrs Berry uses a ‘whizzy drill’ to clean out the hole in Topsy’s tooth, and a tube to stop her dribbling. She mixes up the filling while Topsy rinses out her mouth, then presses it into Topsy’s tooth. Topsy explains to Tim that although the drill was noisy, the filling didn’t hurt. The dentist gives the twins a badge and explains that they should clean their teeth twice a day and not eat sweet food and drinks too often. On the way out of the Health Centre, the twins see their friend Tony arriving. he has toothache from eating too many sweets. On the way home, the family pass the shops and the twins decide to buy apples rather than sweets as they don’t want toothache like Tony. They buy new toothbrushes and disclosing tablets from the pharmacist, who explains to them how to use the tablets to see where their teeth most need cleaning. Topsy and Tim try out their new toothbrushes at home, and feel sure that the dentist won’t find any holes at their next visit.
Categories: Dentists & Dental Care
Go to the Dentist (Topsy & Tim)
Author: Jean and Gareth Adamson
Illustrator: Belinda Worsley
Publisher: Ladybird