Flabby Cat and Slobby Dog are classic couch potatoes who spend all their time eating and sleeping. Inevitably, they grow larger each day but seem oblivious to this, believing that their sofa has shrunk or the cushions have grown. They continue their sedentary habits until eventually they are so large that they can no longer fit into their house. Confused about where to go next, they decide to go and visit Cunning Tiger and Wild Wolf (characters from a TV programme) to ask if they can live with them. Flabby and Slobby search high and low for the elusive tiger and wolf, travelling across seas, fields, forests, mountains and deserts. Forced to forage for food and water, and clamber and explore, they rapidly become fit, strong and slim. Returning home, they are convinced they can see Cunning Tiger and Wily Wolf in their house, but they are in fact staring at their own slimmed-down reflections in the mirror. The pair at last feel comfortable with who they are (“which had nothing to do with the size of their sofa…and everything to do with getting off it.”)
Categories: Healthy Eating & Exercise
Flabby Cat and Slobby Dog

Author: Jeanne Willis
Illustrator: Tony Ross
Publisher: Andersen Press Ltd
This video link is provided to help an adult assess the book's suitability for a child's situation before purchasing it. It has been filmed by a third party and hosted on YouTube and is not made by Little Parachutes. More info