Rather like an etiquette guide for young children, this book covers how to behave in many situations common to young children and encourages politeness, good manners and co-operation. Subjects covered include: behaving politely at school, not interrupting, being well-behaved away from home (at a friend’s house, for example), showing good manners at a party (and refusing an invitation and receiving a gift politely), writing thank you notes and good table manners. The book concludes on a positive note, explaining that if you are polite, people remember you for all the right reasons.
Excuse Me: Learning About Politeness

Author: Brian Moses
Illustrator: Mike Gordon
Publisher: Wayland
Things we liked:
Despite the fact that this is essentially a book of 'do's and don'ts', it should hold young children's attention and entertain them if tackled in bite-size chunks. The illustrations are appealing.