When James stays at Ethan’s house, the boys eat burgers in front of the television and have midnight feasts. James thinks this is wonderful, until he gets sick from too much junk food and starts having nightmares about being chased by giant chocolate bars and hamburgers, and having his teeth drilled by the dentist. James is keen to grow up to be as strong and healthy as his Dad, who explains to him that in order to do this he must stay fit and eat well. After a healthy lunch at school, James has lots of energy and excels at sports and in his lessons. He encourages Ethan to make healthier choices, and the boys buy fruit rather than fast food, and grow vegetables to eat. Both boys now love good food and like to try new things, but have special treats from time to time.
Categories: Healthy Eating & Exercise
Eating Well (Looking After Me)
By highlighting the consequences of unhealthy eating and lack of exercise.
Author: Liz Gogerly
Illustrator: Mike Gordon
Publisher: Wayland
Things we liked: The book contains notes for parents and teachers, including activity suggestions.